With tons and tons of options out there today on what type of courses to take and what they are looking to deliver, it can be difficult if not impossible to choose the right one. There are a few aspects that separate a great course and a mediocre one. A great course will help you meet your goals and be upfront on what it offers. At Gorilla Futures that is exactly what we strive to do, be up front with our members and provide excellent material all at an affordable price.
What Makes a Great Course?
A great course is one that provides quality content that is easy to understand and consume. Not only does the content need to be great but the structure of the course needs to be one that allows for growth throughout the entire course. This means that each chapter/section expands on it self, al while inching closer and closer to the end goal. In this case that end goal would be futures trading.
What about examples or additional help, does the course allow you to take what you learned and tweak it to fit your personality? These are all important questions and our view is that a course needs to provide numerous examples, not only pictures of these examples but videos as well. This is due to the fact everyone learns differently, some prefer step by step pictures and others prefer a video walking them through the section.
Lastly a great course needs to help you tweak what you have learned into something that is yours. For example in the Gorilla Futures course, traders are taught how to find there own Risk/Reward. This idea came from that fact everyone has a difference risk tolerance, what might be nothing to you could be a huge loss for someone else. This is why we are firm believers in making the course your own.
Gorilla Futures Course
Ready for the pitch? Everything you just read is exactly what we offer at Gorilla Futures. We have a 26 chapter price action course, that is updated multiple times throughout the year( all free of charge).
Not only are these updates done free of charge but once you become a lifetime member you are never asked to pay for any additional information. On top of that we offer 1 on 1 help, where our members can ask questions and focus on areas they really need to improve on. Such as when and where to enter or maybe why a trade didn't work out and how they can turn that experience into a positive and learn from it, the possibility are endless.
The course it self is comprised of both pictures and videos, starting with the basics and working up to advanced topics such and when and where to enter and how to find trends.
Add on our 24/7 discord/chat server and you are covered! Don't forget about our live morning analysis Monday-Friday starting at 9:00 am est, that covers what targets we are looking at that day and any trades from the previous day(s). Can't make the stream? Don't worry its recorded so you can view it later!
Our goal at Gorilla Futures is simply to help you reach your goals of becoming a trader, nothing is sugarcoated and we don't lure our members in with false advertisements or results. If you are planning on becoming a futures trader then you are in the right place!
Questions? Comment down below or send us an email.