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Trading security futures contracts may not be suitable for all investors. You may lose a substantial amount of money in a very short period of time. The amount you may lose is potentially unlimited and can exceed the amount you originally deposit with your broker. This guide is to be used as entertainment, Gorilla Futures is NOT responsible for any gains or losses that may occur during your trading. Purchasing this guide you are automatically agreeing to this statement. Gorilla Futures Offers a 30 day return policy if the following requirements are met.#1-Must show documentation that all recommended course work at the end of each chapter was completed & all rules followed. #2-Must show that the entire Price action course was completed.#3-Must show that the information learned throughout the course did not benefit you in anyway.A 100% refund will be issued once all the previously mentioned information is received and proven to be accurate.Must be redeemed within 3 months. Email all ?s

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